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Research that makes a difference in your community.
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A national research firm founded on the idea that all politics IS local, American Strategies conducts polls and focus groups and provides strategic advice for campaigns, organizations and governments. From city hall, to the state Capitol and beyond, successful outreach and advocacy campaigns require a detailed understanding of how your community perceives an issue or candidate. No other firm knows your neighborhood like American Strategies.
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[/cs_divider_icon][vc_column_text]Information can be overwhelming. Our team is trained to sift through volumes of data to find the insights you need to know. We translate data into strategy, and transfer that knowledge to you in a clear, concise way.
Our team knows how to deliver, with expertise in a number of areas:[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][cs_icon_list][cs_icon_list_item icon=”fa-check-circle” icon_color=”#81d742″]State and Local Elections – Few firms match the breadth and depth of our campaign work. From Governor to State Legislator, Mayor to City Council, we have worked on campaigns across 44 states and in hundreds of individual cities and counties.[/cs_icon_list_item][cs_icon_list_item icon=”fa-check-circle” icon_color=”#81d742″]Issue Advocacy – Breaking through to elected officials requires a detailed understanding of how an issue affects a community, and using language that makes sense locally. Our research provides the information and understanding needed to create messages that motivate individuals to take action.[/cs_icon_list_item][cs_icon_list_item icon=”fa-check-circle” icon_color=”#81d742″]Voter Mobilization – Working together with our parent company TargetSmart, American Strategies can provide unparalleled information about your audience’s attitudes as well as where and how they live, so we can reach out in the most efficient and effective ways.[/cs_icon_list_item][cs_icon_list_item icon=”fa-check-circle” icon_color=”#81d742″]Land Use and Development – American Strategies has an unmatched understanding of land use and development issues as a result of our work for the National Association of REALTORS. Since 2008, we have provided research on Smart Growth and land use issues for REALTOR associations across the country.[/cs_icon_list_item][cs_icon_list_item icon=”fa-check-circle” icon_color=”#81d742″]Strategic Consulting – Our senior staff brings a lifetime of survey research expertise, real world campaign experience, and professional management skills to your project.[/cs_icon_list_item][/cs_icon_list][vc_column_text]American Strategies has worked with local and statewide campaigns in nearly every state. Hover over the states and cities below to see the kinds of campaigns we’ve worked on throughout the country.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner]

American Strategies Map States

Office Location Map
[/cs_divider_icon][vc_column_text]Market research and opinion polling are vital tools for any organization. Understanding what people think, how they feel, and what motivates them is essential for decision making. Survey research informs your strategy, tests messages and identifies demographic targets. Our research team conducts hundreds of telephone and online surveys each year to help our clients accomplish their goals.[/vc_column_text][cs_space][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][cs_fancybox icon_type=”outlined” icon_shape=”circle” icon_size=”xl” title_size=”h3″ title=”Phone Surveys” icon=”fa-phone” box_border=”#ffffff” box_background=”#1e73be” box_text_color=”#ffffff” icon_background=”#1e73be” icon_color=”#ffffff” box_title_color=”#ffffff” class=”ourskills”]We know how to effectively reach individuals on their cell or landline, and we design samples that ensure an accurate representation of your community. While falling response rates and an increased number of cell phone-only households make telephone surveys more difficult than ever before, properly administered phone polls are still the most reliable method of survey research.[/cs_fancybox][cs_space][cs_fancybox icon_type=”outlined” icon_shape=”circle” icon_size=”xl” title_size=”h3″ title=”IVR Surveys” icon=”fa-headphones” box_border=”#ffffff” box_background=”#1e73be” box_text_color=”#ffffff” icon_background=”#1e73be” icon_color=”#ffffff” box_title_color=”#ffffff” class=”ourskills”]These short, automated surveys can be used to quickly and inexpensively gather information about a candidate or issue.[/cs_fancybox][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][cs_fancybox icon_type=”outlined” icon_shape=”circle” icon_size=”xl” title_size=”h3″ title=”Online Surveys” icon=”fa-globe” box_border=”#ffffff” box_background=”#1e73be” box_text_color=”#ffffff” icon_background=”#1e73be” icon_color=”#ffffff” box_title_color=”#ffffff” box_rounded=”1″ class=”ourskills”]As phone response rates decline, mixed mode surveys and online polls are increasingly important. Online polls can be used to supplement a phone poll or test ads, videos or complex ballot language. Online polls are also often the best way to survey membership organizations.[/cs_fancybox][cs_space][cs_fancybox icon_type=”outlined” icon_shape=”circle” icon_size=”xl” title_size=”h3″ title=”Voter File Analysis and Targeting” icon=”fa-check-square-o” box_border=”#ffffff” box_background=”#1e73be” box_text_color=”#ffffff” icon_background=”#1e73be” icon_color=”#ffffff” box_title_color=”#ffffff” class=”ourskills”]Our partnership with TargetSmart gives you access to an extraordinary, high quality voter database. We match poll results to the larger universe of voters to provide sophisticated targeting and budgeting for your campaign.[/cs_fancybox][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][cs_fancybox icon_type=”outlined” icon_shape=”circle” icon_size=”xl” title_size=”h3″ title=”Focus Groups” icon=”fa-group” box_border=”#ffffff” box_background=”#1e73be” box_text_color=”#ffffff” icon_background=”#1e73be” icon_color=”#ffffff” box_title_color=”#ffffff” box_rounded=”1″ class=”ourskills”]We conduct in-depth explorations of voter and consumer attitudes to develop and test messaging, as well as to ensure we are using the language people are most familiar with in talking about an issue or product.[/cs_fancybox][cs_space][cs_fancybox icon_type=”outlined” icon_shape=”circle” icon_size=”xl” title_size=”h3″ title=”Modeling” icon=”fa-line-chart” box_border=”#ffffff” box_background=”#1e73be” box_text_color=”#ffffff” icon_background=”#1e73be” icon_color=”#ffffff” box_title_color=”#ffffff” class=”ourskills”]The explosion of individual level data over the past decade has created a need to cut through the noise to zero in on the right targets. Our modeling services and partnership with TargetSmart help clients define their target audience with laser-like precision, creating more efficient and effective outreach programs.[/cs_fancybox][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row id=”ourteam”][vc_column][cs_divider_icon icon=”fa-group” text=”OUR TEAM” size=”36px” color=”#000000″]
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Joe Goode
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Joe Goode
Joe Goode is President of American Strategies. He has worked for and advised political campaigns and organizations for more than twenty-five years as a pollster, consultant and executive. Joe conducts public opinion surveys and provides strategic advice for trade associations, non-profit organizations and corporations. He has worked closely with the National Association of REALTORS® since 2007, providing opinion research and consulting services in more than thirty states and over 100 localities – including successful constitutional amendment campaigns in Missouri, Montana, Louisiana, Oregon and North Dakota. Joe helped design and implement the National Association of REALTORS® Campaign Services Program bringing state of the art campaign tools and data services to state and local REALTOR® associations.
Before coming to American Strategies, Joe was Chief Operating Officer at the polling firm Greenberg Quinlan Rosner. Earlier, he was the Senior Analyst on company CEO Stan Greenberg’s work for the Clinton for President campaign in 1992, managing the development and implementation of research conducted for the presidential primary and general election campaigns and the firm’s subsequent work for the Clinton administration. He has also worked as a Vice President at the polling firm Lake Research Partners; Campaign Manager and District Director for NC Congressman David Price; and Executive Director for Women’s Voices. Women Vote.
Joe is on the Board of Directors of the Waterford Foundation, where he is a member of the Executive Committee and serves as Treasurer. He occasionally assists his wife by mucking the stalls in the barn at their home in northwest Virginia.
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Wade Perry
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Wade Perry
Wade Perry joined Targetsmart in 2015 and has worked in the survey research and polling industry for over 15 years. Prior to joining Targetsmart he worked at Winding River Research as their Director of Operations overseeing all data collection activities for the company. For the decade prior he was Executive Director of Sun Surveys managing data collection and polling projects for a range of political and corporate clients. He also served as Field Director and Managing Director for Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research overseeing their field and data collection operations for 6 years. A native of Iowa, Wade currently resides in Saint Louis.
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Sara Stephenson
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Sara Stephenson
Sara Stephenson has worked in polling and data targeting for almost fifteen years. She currently serves as Vice President of American Strategies, where she focuses on candidate and issue campaigns at the state and local level. Sara enjoys digging into the unique issues and personalities that shape our neighborhoods and quality of life. She has helped local leaders to pass school bond referendums and transit initiatives, and she has helped to elect more than one hundred and fifty city councilors, mayors and county commissioners across the country – in big cities like Los Angeles and Chicago to small towns like the one in Iowa where she grew up. At the state level, Sara has focused on budget and tax reform issues and helped to elect moderate legislators in highly partisan primaries.
Prior to joining TargetSmart in 2011, Sara was a Senior Analyst at The Feldman Group, where she worked closely with candidates for state and federal office, progressive organizations, and labor unions. Sara has organized for campaigns ranging from the state legislature to the Iowa Caucuses to a general election presidential campaign. Her on-the-ground campaign work has taken her to Minnesota, Wisconsin, Washington State, and Louisiana. Sara is a native Iowan and holds both a B.A. in Sociology and a J.D. from the University of Iowa.
Sara lives in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Washington DC. She volunteers for her neighborhood public school and enjoys taking long walks to the park with her husband and two-year old son.
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Jeremy Kane
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Jeremy Kane
Jeremy began his career as a Data Engineer for Accudata Integrated Marketing. During his time at Accudata, he held several technical positions before becoming Director, Business Development. Jeremy’s main focus was the management of the vast array of nationwide B2B and B2C marketing files offered by the company. In 2009, Jeremy founded Efficax Data Systems. He was the 2010 winner of the Alteryx Grand Prix. Jeremy has extensive experience managing data driven projects for companies in a variety of industries.
Jeremy graduated from Wake Forest University with a degree in Political Science and from New England Institute of Technology with a degree in Computer Software Development. He is a native Rhode Islander who resides in Virginia Beach, VA.
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Amelia Mattler
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Amelia Mattler
Amelia Mattler has worked in polling for nearly ten years. She currently serves as Senior Research Associate at American Strategies where she concentrates on candidates and issue campaigns at the state and local level. A former Latin teacher, Amelia focuses on the nuance of language and order in questionnaire design, as well as how and why people respond as they do to different modes of polling.
Previously Amelia worked as a Research Analyst at Lincoln Park Strategies and at Victoria Research & Consulting. Before venturing into polling, Amelia specialized in online campaigning at People for the American Way and the UK Labour Party. Amelia holds a Masters in Public Policy from the London School of Economics and will complete a Certificate from the Joint Program in Survey Methodology in 2015. A resident of Washington, DC, she can often be found at Nationals Park with her husband and two young sons because Fenway is too far a commute.
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Nelson Wolf
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Nelson Wolf
Nelson began his professional career with TargetSmart as a Junior Data Analyst in June 2014. Prior to joining TargetSmart, he completed internships with the Data & Analytics department of the nonprofit organization Enroll America and HaystaqDNA, a company specializing in predictive analytics, while in college.
Originally from Minnesota, Nelson graduated from Carleton College in Northfield, MN and currently resides in Washington DC.
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Mark Morgioni
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Mark Morgioni
Mark P Morgioni joined TargetSmart/American Strategies in 2015 after interning at the Data Science department for the Democratic National Committee. Prior to joining TargetSmart, Mark spent 3 years doing survey research at the Elon University Poll and has worked on Democratic senatorial, congressional, and local campaigns. Mark received a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Elon University, as well as a lasting appreciation of Eastern Style Barbecue, the best way to cook a pig.
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Samantha Previte
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Samantha Previte
Samantha joined TargetSmart as a Junior Data Analyst in May of 2015. Most recently, she was an associate at GBA Strategies where she handled accounts and produced deliverables such as frequency questionnaires, banner books, and time series. She has also worked for the State of Rhode Island, Senator Jack Reed, Gina Raimondo for Governor, and Civis Analytics. She brings a background in programming and analytics with a passion for progressive politics to TargetSmart.
Samantha graduated from McGill University in 2014 with a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Biology. She is a Rhode Island native and currently resides in Charleston, South Carolina. Samantha is an avid snowboarder, tennis player, yogi, and barre enthusiast and enjoys watching anything sports-related. As a neophyte southerner, she yearns for New England winters, poutine, and a Stanley Cup for her team, the Montreal Canadiens.
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Washington, D.C. 20006
Phone: 202-618-8271
E-Mail: info@amstrat.com
Web: amstrat.com
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