A new national poll from American Strategies American shows a large majority of voters are down on the direction of the country, with Republicans sharing some of the blame for things being off on the wrong track. Overall, 61 percent feel that things are on the wrong track while 39 percent say things as on the right track. As a follow up, voters were asked who is most responsible for the country being on the right or wrong track:
- Among wrong track respondents, 55 percent say Joe Biden and the Democrats are responsible, but 28 percent blame Donald Trump and the Republicans. Thirteen percent blame both Democrats and Republicans equally; three percent are unsure.
- Among right track respondents, 74 percent give credit to Joe Biden and the Democrats, while 18 percent credit Donald Trump and the Republicans. Eight percent feel both are responsible or are not sure who should get credit.
Overall, as shown in Figure 1 below, the electorate is slightly more likely to give credit to the Democrats (29 percent) or blame to the Republicans (17 percent) for the country’s direction. Just over four-in-ten are more likely to blame the Democrats (34 percent) for the country’s direction or credit the Republicans (7 percent). Nice percent give credit or blame equally to the two parties.
While many assume negative sentiment about the country’s direction lies solely on the Biden administration, including this follow up question shows blame and credit for the country’s direction are more evenly distributed between Democrats and Republicans.

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